
Entelechy and Your Life to Live.

2010-01-15T19:10:12-07:00By |Words|

I discovered a new word while reading early this morning....and I like it. ENTELECHY en⋅tel⋅e⋅chy  [en-tel-uh-kee] n·tel·e·chy (ěn-těl'ĭ-kē) n. pl. en·tel·e·chies In the philosophy of Aristotle, the condition of a thing whose essence is fully realized; actuality. In some philosophical systems, a vital force that directs an organism toward self-fulfillment. 1. a realization or actuality as [...]

It’s the little things…

2009-12-03T21:18:10-07:00By |Words|

I've a word filling my mind this evening. Sustainability I'm not sure why. Words get lodged in my brain until I pay attention. I'm not sure who is knocking on my noggin at these times....but I'm grateful for their presence. So, off to dictionary.com, one of my favorite places to tarry. Here's what I found. [...]