
The world I prefer…

2010-05-20T07:32:04-07:00By |Compassion|

[youtube=] Compassion rules. Love rocks and thoughtfulness, in my book of preferences, makes me 'off-the-charts' weak in the knees. Do something thoughtful for someone today. Just do. BB Webb

Awwww Kitty….A Brand New Day

2010-05-09T07:16:58-07:00By |Compassion|

"No one can go back and make a brand new start, my friend, but anyone can start from here and make a brand new end." - Dan Zadra And while we're at it.... "Resentment is one burden that is incompatible with your success. Always be the first to forgive; and forgive yourself first [...]

Real Friends.

2010-03-29T07:00:01-07:00By |Compassion|

Have your back. Don't walk away when things get tough. Take responsibility for their part of an issue. Tell the truth, even when it's scary to tell the truth. Honor you by showing up. Take a hit for you at times. Can listen to the truth, even when it"s hard to hear. They don't bullshit [...]

And again, I remind myself…

2010-03-28T20:21:24-07:00By |Compassion|

  simply to breathe... breathe, breathe, and trust... trust that somewhere, somehow, I am, (we are), supremely loved, taken care of and.... that equanimity is mine...ours... yours. And so it is. It just is. BB Webb

Girls….Young Women in our Culture

2010-03-28T16:09:41-07:00By |Compassion|

I know the story in this short video. My friend April introduced me to her friend who performs one of the roles in this piece. A lovely heartful man. We all watched it together the other weekend. I get it. Sincerely, I do and I do and I do. I'd like to be one of [...]

It’s faith…it’s faith we need

2010-02-19T10:20:10-07:00By |Compassion|

I love remembering what I know. When I pray, and I do, in my fashion, usually with sweet smelling things in my periphery....I ask whomever, (and I speak with a host of influencers), 'please help me remember what I already know which will serve me, and who I am here to serve, today, please'. Yes, [...]

Gratitude and Heart

2010-02-11T11:28:44-07:00By |Compassion|

I have a variety of pals, some close, some I see only now and again and some who cross the border of service provider and someone who I am friendly with. I'll count my new massure/energy healing goddess as one. A new acquaintance who like me, studied energy healing with the oh so gifted Dr. [...]

Support, Caretaking, Taking Care, Caring Less.

2010-02-04T10:01:23-07:00By |Compassion|

Which is it. What do we do from one day to the next, moment to the next? SUPPORT...I'm all for that, giving it and receiving it. Support to me is giving someone the tools to do what they have the ability to do. We can give it and receive it...Support for efforts in growth, learning [...]