
Finding My Twirl…..oh Grateful Me!

2011-03-27T11:09:20-07:00By |Gratitude|

This quote graced my inbox this morning.... "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for [...]

And the world turns.

2011-02-25T21:26:58-07:00By |Expansion|

I am most definitely aware of my deficiencies. I am also becoming more aware of where I am not so deficient, expecting myself to be good at it all less and less. Oooooh, but I'm a task master to my very own soul. Oh Popeye....he am what I am what you are. I'm over half [...]

Woman-kind. A gift doubled and squared!

2011-01-04T18:30:58-07:00By |Relationships|

Our nuclear family, as we all know, is not what Ozzie and Harriet portrayed in the 50s....not one bit. I own and run a special event venue.....a lovely one in fact. I get teary with each bride I send down the aisle....hopeful that what they are putting out to the Universe, hopes, dreams what-have-you....might [...]

Freedom……just another word?

2010-12-22T21:10:27-07:00By |Expansion|

As I fly off to Montana looking ever higher. Ever higher. Toward those untraveled roads. [youtube=] Merry Christmas, or more simply, great peace, love and joy to you. BB Webb

Jealously I ask, How high IS the moon?

2010-12-18T07:55:29-07:00By |Creativity|

Sooo......I spent my day off working 10 hours on our new Carl House website edits. Crazy eh? Working from home is a treat and something I relish and it almost FEELS like a day off. And I consider, if I weren't doing THAT, what MIGHT I be doing. I might be rehearsing a story to [...]