And the lights went out…

When it’s time, how interesting to feel the lights go out in areas of our house, our hearts, our souls.

Maybe not altogether, but certain things which had a shiny allure, dim, as that’s what happens as we shift to other things calling forth our attention, our passions, our hearts and interest.

And when those lights twinkle to a close, how fun to feel the fires burning with new endeavors, new people, new interests.

Everything is always coming and going, coming and going.

To stay nimble, flexible, is key. To keep your body moving, your mind open, your heart, pulsing, un-corroded. Good food, good thoughts, good energy and fuel….intellectual, from the spirit realm.

I can feel the good stuff. I can feel it as cleanly as I feel the rubbish.

Rubbish be gone says I….and out it eventually goes.

I am becoming a better filter as I experience good, quality, my preferred moxie and heart.

It’s a beautiful day in Georgia in many ways, the cool air arriving, the sun, I can smell the luscious fragrance of my chef’s creations in the kitchen, a wedding on the way and me….

the ideas lining up for attention, cueing up in neat fashion.

Without the ability to create and love, who are we really??

BB Webb

2010-09-04T13:00:27-07:00By |Expansion|