And then the net lifted.

I’m enamored (is that the correct word this morning) with the process of being human on this planet. Enamored isn’t the best word, but it’ll have to do for the moment.

I felt a net lift from my myopic view of the world this week. Some things became crystal clear. And if not CRYSTAL clear, my lens was certainly cleared of some significant smudges.

We all react or act according in tandem with our world view and in concert with our past experiences, each of us working to make sense of things and let’s face it, to get what the hell WE want. I suppose it’s human nature.

If you’d been a reader of this blog for a week or a year, you’ll know I’m all about the process of expansion…by that I mean expanding what is possible, our thinking, our consciousness, what the hell we feel might give us (I suppose), happiness or peace.

I’m watchful of late on how people work to get what they feel THEY DESERVE and it’s often not (to me) pretty.

I believe in good manners, open hearts, graciousness and working to be understanding….though there are firm boundaries that MUST be put in place or as I have found, people will push for WAY beyond what to me is a decent or rather reasonable limit. I’m the first one to want to give a bit extra, it’s maybe how I was raised or just what I prefer…..but that stops abruptly when I feel someone is pushing beyond their due, (not a child, they’re still learning) but of note lately, what would seem like educated, reasonable adults.


I’m finding of late that sense of graciousness and generosity of spirit severely, most severely lacking. It makes me want to shut the door on humanity.

But clearly, that’s not my mission here on earth at this particular time, so I wake each morning considering how I’ll play out the day, handle the latest crisis or negotiate what I felt was VERY CLEAR TERMS with a client.

A friend of mine chides me playfully when I share my wanting to embrace ‘more, more, more’…..I don’t mean ‘more’ as in I want more ‘chips’ or stuff…..but new opportunities, peace, loving kindness, projects which fill my heart….and probably less of the things that are hurtful, stabbing, abrasive.

So two things happened this week….all a part of our perhaps etheric experience, as real to me as any piece of peanut buttered toast I might pick up and chew with coffee in the morning. A net was lifted, (there is so much possible) and a shield of sorts has been placed in my energetic field….I feel it. Those abrasive ‘naughties’ won’t get in….they can try, they can push to penetrate a part of me but they’ll have no luck. For I have my battalion of protectors and guides and I cherish their presence in my physical world here.

My job is simple….to make a solid and profound difference with my presence on the planet. How that is done, each day I wonder, but I know it’s true. And each day, I am encouraged with what good things might show up, how I’ll respond in new ways and the enormity of my creative spirit and what new scene might be created in this movie reel called, ‘BB’s life’.

Here’s encouragement for your own movie trailer….might it be a better story than you had ever hoped.

BB Webb

2010-11-11T08:18:28-07:00By |Expansion|