Bloom Where You Are Planted!

The team at Carl House have been having a ball meeting brides, brides, brides over the past few weekends!! We appeared the last two weekends at the GA Bridal Show Events….(great turnout) in both Gwinnett and Athens and last weekend at the Bridal Extravaganza!  WHAT a show it was!

Carl House Table: Bloom Where You Are Planted!

Carl House participated in the table top competition which was a blast…our theme: ‘Bloom Where You Are Planted’. We frankly weren’t fully aware of what the entire event was meant to be until LAST week. I incubated an idea at top speed, (fun to have this diversion)….shopped at 5 stores in 3 hours and had the needed accessories for my ‘Abundance’ theme! Our Carl House Floral Designer, Kimberly Coates added in her creative florals to complete my vision. (I particularly like our gold headed goddess, Abunduntia)! Our partner linen company, CoverUps, contributed their gorgeous aqua linens and the table was bedecked with jewels, plates which read ‘believe’ and quotes around abundance and prosperity at each place setting! Oh and two glass heads which were my favorite, sprouting grass atop their noggins. Yes, fun, fun, fun to create!

Below….our theme expounded upon!

Bloom Where You Are Planted!

Our table is a microcosm of rich abundance, the potential in our lives. ‘Bloom Where You are Planted’ is attributed to all of the following sources: Afghan Proverb, Nancy Reader Compion’s Aunt Grace, Mary Engelbreit, a song, and an “old garden saying”. To us, it is a phrase hinting at life as a celebration and choice, our opportunity to choose, create, imagine and consider the possibilities in our lives! The colors in our tabletop hint at the divine, the vast sea and the sky, live flowers blooming from the woman’s head a metaphor for all things living, beautiful and possible.

Our message is the reminder to move forward ‘as if’, whatever we imagine can become true and to believe in ourselves. Our teal, silver and gold are reminiscent of the magic of the Incas, the brilliance of the heavens and the promise of all things abundant if we’ll allow for them. The shimmering aqua globes represent a mini world, a resplendent globe and the bejeweled candles symbolize the importance of passion in our lives. Colorful fabric, wine, and flowers accented with feathers are a reminder to celebrate, enjoy, to fly toward our desires! Finally, the sculptured glass heads…a call for expansion of our minds into our hearts… believing with each breath that what we put out to the world comes back to us, or better!

Our message is about the power of this moment and then the next, fulfilled and fulfilling! Carpe diem all the way!

And wow, the designers were out at this show. A beautiful array of table decorations which frankly, blew us away! How delightful to have been in such incredible company.

Our Goddess of Abundance…Abunduntia!!

Very good company indeed!

And more….

And more….

And glorious more….

And did I say more!!

No, we didn’t win, but as with the Oscars, we were just delighted to be a part of ‘the show’.
Thank you one and all for inspiring us all!! Ooooh, the possibilities!
But ooooh, oooooh, next year, NEXT year….we’re brewing some ideas as I type, yes…..AS I type!

BB Webb

2011-02-01T18:45:53-07:00By |Creativity|