Building my BB web…

Summertime, and the living is…..busy, full, in moments hectic, swift and moving forward.

No, no slow summertime hammock swinging these days, not for me.

I am spinning a web of solutions…solutions for things that need them…

So, I watch this mighty spider outside the door of my garage…..she shows me how to patiently weave and knit and cross stitch….catching the bits of wisdom I need for the matters at hand. She is even, with seemingly no worry, she merely weaves and knows what is needed, what should be done perhaps.

And when she has satisfied this task, achieved what is to be achieved, she will rest a spell, and then begin again with her next tapestry.

And so the world rolls.

Spinning her web

BB Webb

2010-07-30T22:49:33-07:00By |Challenge|