
Your Opus?

2010-03-14T20:52:18-07:00By |Heart|

The plural of opus, is opera. I just learned that today. I would have thought it was Opi....but what do I know!? One of my favorite films is 'Mr. Holland's Opus'. A man, (Richard Dreyfuss), a musician intent on creating his major musical work, his symphony, his opus to present to the world. Instead, his [...]

What’s missing…

2010-03-10T23:49:03-07:00By |Heart|

I start my day off with a cup of fresh brewed coffee.....I love the smell, the taste, the heat, the ritual and how the pot makes that inviting gurgle sound I know so well, the memories it evokes...all summoning me to this magnificent pleasure. I'm picky about my beans, the 'cream' I use, that it's [...]

And then sometimes…

2010-03-03T19:31:37-07:00By |Heart|

There is not much to say but..... I hold you softly in the palm of my hand. And I send you love. Good cheer. Peace within your heart. And fun...joy, a measure of intrigue. Because....just because. And, thank you for trusting me. And thank you for honoring my trust in you. All is well. BB [...]

Opening to the Heart…with a spirit of mystery

2010-02-21T00:40:30-07:00By |Heart|

I'm sitting with a mystery. It's a serious one to me. I've traveled with some interesting teachers my spell here on the planet. I've seen smarts, compassion, passion, diverse talent galore, ego and heart mixed in interesting combinations with all these teachers. I pick and choose from what I see. I try not to expect [...]