Opening to the Heart…with a spirit of mystery

I’m sitting with a mystery. It’s a serious one to me.

I’ve traveled with some interesting teachers my spell here on the planet. I’ve seen smarts, compassion, passion, diverse talent galore, ego and heart mixed in interesting combinations with all these teachers.

I pick and choose from what I see. I try not to expect too much, (ohhh, but I do, for I work to deliver that and MORE). I am more often than not confounded by people. I’ll leave it as a mystery and I welcome being surprised by the heart and glory of humanity.

But heart. I have friends who see me, really see into me, not just the bubbling, energetic social firefly who darts around, carries herself well and who can woe and present to a crowd, is excessively verbose, who gets tripped up on her own humanity, can go intensely dark, or who in my own relentless style, will confound or inspire, depending on the particular constitution and predisposition of any acquaintance. That too is me, but the essence, there’s more….as there is in all of us.

I see the ‘more’ in folks, WHEN I’m interested. And busy body that I am, I want to always see that MORE realized, in myself and others. And frankly, I probably need to mind my own business.

There is something in relationship to living from a ‘heart space’ that has drawn me over the years. My father was a business man, respected in a manner. I did not like his style with people. I remember him as being harsh, judgmental and prone to fits of childlike anger. He drank too much to cover his feelings. And sadly, having a tidy room was more important to his mother than learning to love. Bless his heart, truly.

I have however had a number of male mentors who have had the ability to lead and teach in a most supportive, encouraging, passionate and heartful manner, (some more than others), with all the other aspects of their lion-like maleness. These are the mentors I am drawn to most. There is a greater power, sense of ‘I am’ in these men….all of them subject to the flaws of humanity, but none-the-less, there is with each man, a bigness, confidence and level of talent or learnedness to which I am attracted, as a female for sure, but as a human being, in a detached way, more. I need that modeling for where I’m headed.

As a woman there is something to glean from the patriarchy, in select measure. The female component I know well, it is the mix of the two which compels me and leans me forward.

Other men draw near to that heart space but fear it….not ready to touch that edge, the edge which makes ALL the difference. Their lives would exude a greater peace and success, (not measured by money mind you), with the heart component more fully lived. I SEE it, want it for them, want it for ME in relating to them. Some are so close.

I endeavor to find a mix of heart with the harshness and reality of living day to day, within business and with the intent to prosper and expand in all I do. This is not ‘sissy stuff’, this is as ‘manly’, courageous and awesome as it comes. Beginner though I am, I am certain I’m on to something.

My curiosity around this mix and endeavor to model this amalgam is strong. I both don’t want to NOT care, but to care too much serves no one.

Osho continues to be an inspiration to me. Read him should you be willing to test your own positioning in life. His angle of belief intrigues and challenges me. I like a ‘beliefs’ challenge, not the kind that is just ego pushing….I’ve had enough of that and frankly am not savvy nor really wish to be in needless mind rhetoric or vague riddles, unless they come from heart…..that I’ll stay up all hours of the night pursuing, jousting, playing….there is no END to smart fun there. The other tires and bores me in time. Severely. Life hastens too quickly for vagaries. A puzzle is a different matter.

Heart pushes truth to a new level. The rawness and vulnerability within it I admire and protect. It’s more beautiful than anything I know. Sincerely. I endeavor to be a moonbeam of light in that regard. Truly.

From Osho:

The heart is the gateless gate to reality. Move from the head to the heart.

We are all hung up in the head. That is our only problem, the only one problem. And there is only one solution: get down from the head into the heart and all problems disappear. They are created by the head. And suddenly everything is so clear and so transparent that one is surprised how one was continuously inventing problems. Mysteries remain but problems disappear. Mysteries abound but problems evaporate. And mysteries are beautiful. They are not to be solved. They have to be lived.


Mysteries ARE beautiful. I want to see the cocoon blossom into a butterfly. I want to combine the attributes of female and male (we have each in us), in a way that forges a new way of being in the world, in business, in relationship to others.

And I leave an opening ALWAYS to be surprised by how people choose to grow and blossom.

May the mysteries unfold.

BB Webb

2010-02-21T00:40:30-07:00By |Heart|