People I Admire

Just that, people who inspire, delight, challenge or confuse me.

The Gift of Receiving! Part 3

2009-08-09T09:56:37-07:00By |Business, Friends, Music, People I Admire, Possibility and Intention, Reflection, Relationships, Spirituality, Television & Other Media|

So....'The Gift of Receiving Part 3.' I've been chatting about....oooh........this and that....our ability to receive, accept the cool things which come our way.....I invite you to read on.... The other evening, when shopping at Nordstom’s ‘Off the Rack’, I had to call my dear friend 2Lu to say…’Oh my God 2Lu…you’ll never believe what I [...]

Opaque, obtuse, transparent

2009-07-24T22:26:43-07:00By |Friends, People I Admire, Possibility and Intention, Reflection, Relationships, Spirituality|

[youtube=] I'm playing with words tonight. They can be such imposters, such posers, sneaky little devils! Ever have a thought in your head and a word just appears....KAPOW!! You may not be completely familiar with its meaning, might not use it frequently, though there it fragrant as lemon zest....but watch might portend more [...]

Random Acts…..awwwww..

2009-07-21T13:54:49-07:00By |Friends, People I Admire, Possibility and Intention, Reflection, Spirituality|

Isn't this speeeeeecial. I think so! But hey, how come newscasters always have that 'voice' and bizzare inflection thingy goin on? [youtube=] And did you know there is an organization which support acts of kindness? With a mission, (and I'm quoting here), 'to decrease world SUCK.' Pretty song too! I'm all for it!! [youtube=] [...]