On the road with a view…

I most always have a song in my head. I’m not good at dreaming up tunes, though lyrics come easily to me.

I remember times in my life through songs. Bonnie Raitt was my ‘on the road music’ in the 90s. When I hear a Bonnie Raitt song I think of my little red touring truck. I travelled by myself from Maine to Florida, to Seattle to Ohio, back across to Nevada, Florida, Minneapolis, Las Vegas, zip, zip, here, there, everywhere…music and a big wide open road….performing, teaching…on a mission. The road ‘Through Ruby’s Eyes.’

I’m glad I did it by myself. It gave me a great appreciation for so many things. It taught me my strengths and my limitations.

Bonnie Raitt got me across the country; she kept me company along the way. I’m practicing one of her songs for my singing lesson….’Rainy Day Man,’ a favorite of mine.

I’ll never come close to singing like Bonnie Raitt, but I get her. She remains to me one of the coolest, most talented, kick-ass performers and artists I know of ANYwhere on the planet.

A little nostalgia for those who remember. Damn can she play and sing the blues! In my dreams.


I’m comforted that ‘the road’ is just off my driveway…there for the taking, when I’m ready. It’s the options that fuel me.

When in doubt, when at a loss, whenever…just pick a song and maybe dance a jig too. Options are EVERYWHERE. As I remind myself to not limit myself, I’ll remind you too!

BB Webb