Eggs Smegs


Every thing, person, experience, incident, episode, story, fantasy…has another side. Take eggs for example, fried, boiled, poached, scrambled, raw..

I spent a luscious Easter Sunday spring cleaning, readying porches for evenings under the stars, for friends and parties. I planted flowers, petunias, coleus, herbs and such….redecorated things a bit, shifting things here and there.

It was merely time to do so. The tipping point and all.

A new phase awaits……to play, invent, forgive, dance, growl, scowl if you choose, (but there’s been enough of that), meet new people, visit with old ones, say you’re sorry, issue a thank you, plan a holiday, pet your pups, engage in commerce, take on a cause, start a new business, (build the old one), devise a plan, eat good food, have a party, write a speech….no end to the possibilities. Truly.

Eggcellent says I! BB Webb

2010-04-04T17:40:20-07:00By |Fun|