
Ever hear yourself talking or writing and a word from SOMEWHERE comes out of your mouth or on the page and you wonder ‘where did THAT come from?’ or you wonder, ‘when did I learn that word?’ but dang if it isn’t ‘right on’. Suddenly a lexicon of mystery words make themselves known.

Today was an odd day for me…a sort of discomfort lined my brow and a feeling as though I was walking in someone else’s shoes…the kind of day when your clothes just didn’t sit right on your frame and you forget simple words like, ‘tiger’ or your best friend’s name, or ‘Twitter’ comes out ‘Tweeter’ and you call your ‘hard drive’ your ‘drive shaft’. Awww, you know….it happens. (I’m hoping you know).

Or worse, you attempt to tell a story, which I do often while attempting to illustrate a point, (no doubt), and none of the details come out and the result is a most unentertaining blotch of a few facts that fall like pitiful little ashes to the ground. You find yourself looking down just wondering what happened to the colorful vision in your noggin.

The sort of day when you listen to a certain song and find yourself entirely choked up as you bustle past intent commuters on the highway. Then suddenly, a momentary euphoria hits and you feel entirely schizophrenic. And you’re SURE everybody can see right through you. (Clearly ‘everyone’ could care less…we’re really so less important than we think we are….well, I’ll speak for myself here).

Oy vey! (I’m channeling Jewish tonight)??

And then tonight in summarizing some things that occurred during my day to my business coach, (trying to be succinct which I NEVER am, I’d clearly give him a heart attack if I were), (FYI….he’s the one who suggested a blog….less space taken in his ‘in box’…..or so he thought)!!! Smart man!

I found myself writing the word ‘farklempt!’ Spelled also ‘Verklempt’. It’s various definitions below….

The Urban Dictionary states:
1. farklempt
Yiddish meaning choked up or not feeling good was often used in Saturday night life by Mike Myers is “Coffee Talk” (See hysterical video below)!
verklempt-swoon -farklempt -choked up -gobsmacked -ferklempt
2. verklempt
Verklempt – choked with emotion (German verklemmt = emotionally inhibited in a convulsive way)
This is not FAKE Yiddish – unless you are one of the linguists who consider Yiddish a “fake”, i.e. non-transformational language.
OY, vey. When that schmuck of a doctor told me I had cancer I got all verklempt.
chocked up -speechless with emotion -in agnst -deeply wounded note: sometimes spelled fehrklempt

Farklempt – choked up; speechless; unable to express one’s feelings/emotions

The sort of day when try as you might, your thoughts just aren’t cascading out of your mouth in the fashion you imagine and synergy is a beat off, your timing a bit lagged and your mental capacity diminished.

And in tribute to those Ferhklempt moments or entire days…..the brilliant Mike Myers, Madonna and Rosanne. (3 minutes is all you’ll need)!


Just sharing. Another few moments in time….

BB Webb

2009-10-19T23:13:13-07:00By |Fun, Reflection|