Hills, Railroads, New Rooms and Such

Such a title….but it rings true. The sound of the railroad lulls me in the office at Carl House as the calls come in, as I navigate personalities, work to keep everyone and myself on target, in line, clear of my vision and moving forward with support and clarity. There are hills, there are indeed valleys, and lately, new rooms and such!

I sat last evening at 8:30pm on the third floor of my Carl House, deeply satisfied with the sound of a party below,

(a commitment ceremony)!! We’re all entitled to live as we choose says I.

…the 8th redecorated or vastly reorganized and cleaned room in either my home or Carl House, a glass of Rodney Strong Knotty Vine Red Zinfandel, (a fav of mine) and some brie and bleu cheese with figs, apple slices and grapes prepared by my favorite of chefs, Chef Derek. Debbie, my Operations gal and I reminisced the busy week which I entered with a keen focus and crystal clear intent….I had plans….I could feel my team gasp as they drew close against their respective walls as I issued THIS weeks mission.

Having recently had a resignation and shifting among the ranks, (always the right decision)….I could feel the energies shift and I was ready to move forward….MOVE FORWARD indeed!

When I am clear, I am a whippet, or tasmanian devil, tsunami I’ve been called, though endeavor or have learned, (ummmm, am learning) to be less harsh as my intensity is inborn, it is me, tempered only through living in a world which I must negotiate at every turn, while not splashing frigid water on my flame. I must guard carefully myself from the doom and gloom sayers, the influences which don’t bolster me in positive ways. Similarly, I am picking up new ways of being which work to manage my energies, my direction, this mission I was somehow born to unfold!


I rearranged our offices on Monday and on short notice had a room renovated to accomodate our new photo booth. Anticipating a call from the 18 wheeler driver of the company with whom I bought this expensive but valuable addition to my offerings, we were prepared to assemble a ready team to lift it from the large truck. Finding Miguel, the driver with the two gold front teeth, (a lovely chap…from the Bronx)!…with Debbie’s help we assembled in short order our team of hearty and muscled men to move the thing. With Miguel outside my house, stirring the passing cars atop his 18 wheeler…we had no time to waste.

‘I’m here with a 450 pound photo booth….who’s moving it’.

Traffic was intense so quickly….on the phone with the local police to help direct traffic until our movers appeared! Roger, my beloved handyman, along with our newer team member Mike, scurried to finish the renovations of the room to receive this MONSTER of a welcomed ‘profit center’ to my business. Roger suggested pulling my 1984 Ford Truck behind the 18 wheeler to lower it first there, then closer to our back steps to haul this heavy pup inside.

One, two, three, things were flying….flying…..

Then on Tuesday, after giving an 8am talk to the local Chamber of Commerce at my place, ‘Building a Business the Thrives Beyond YOU’….my lessons learned in a talk now….humor and angst both!!!…..the team and I prepped for our Bridal Event with about 20 vendors showcasing their wares….me in my element as hostess, welcoming our 100 or so guests, giving out prizes, assuring each detail was tended and person welcomed.

A late night misunderstanding between and a client and staff member, (normal daily sorting), soon remedied, minimal drama and OOOOOh the food, Chef Derek outdid himself with the FOOD! (My favorite a chicken, lavender something infused sauce with brussel sprouts that made my eyes shut while chewing). I adore culinary treats, the creativity, the textures, tastes, the colors, the way it is presented. I grew up with a father who taught me the love of fine dining and it’s worth every penny when I do decide to indulge. And fortunately, I have a chef who treats me to luscious items on a regular basis to satisfy this passion, for it IS a passion and one I will NOT deny nor sacrifice!

Wednesday, a travesty in trying to find the right workman to assemble a floral cooler, one lame worker after the next, unbelievable quotes and me having to say good-bye to more than one ‘offer’. My favorite ill suited gent the one who asked if I’d give him money for gas and cigarettes! Debbie my operations person stood nearby waiting to hear my response, getting ready to flee if sparks flew. Oooooh, they did, they did and she flew….so did he.

We had some theft last week within the ranks and security measures have been increased. We suspect some new arrivals into our fold. After much hallabaloo, adding soon security cameras, better processes to assure there is no theft….the bottles of missing wine mysteriously reappeared. There is magic happening within my business. I feel it as surely as I know my forward growth and positive solutions are imminent.

I had a good talk, heart to heart really, with a key advisor, someone very close to me and she (that higher part of me) had some good thoughts…things I was gleaning as true. I’m on it. I’m here, I’m on track and ready for all good and the expansions that are afoot. Long in the waiting maybe, but maybe not.

Life is good.

And yesterday, the shed which can’t seem to stay organized….it and my dear Operations person, Debbie, were subject to a loving hurricane of BB organization and new processes.

Stand back’, I alerted, the dust will fly and, you will be so HAPPY it did.

We all were. And the energy within is changing, the right people are appearing and I’m clear, on point!

Of key importance, I AM clear….on MANY things in my world just now.

And that….ooooh, that is good, VERY good.

Love being the singular intent with all that THAT means to me.

BB Webb

2010-10-23T17:30:44-07:00By |Business|