I confess….I’m a cornball

I watch Bing Crosby movies. I love the dancing, the corny songs, the affected acting…I love it all. Cyd Charisse, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers….they rocked. Talk about disciplined artists. They made it look so easy and they had a class about them. I miss ‘class.’ And class to me doesn’t mean dressing up or acting stuck up, no, not at all, the opposite really,…there is a ‘joie de vivre’ about class and an attention to detail and to others that characterizes class to me.

And I loved Trigger and Roy Rogers here singing one of my favorite songs and a theme which I hold dear. No fences please. And I like that Roy Rogers can say stuff like, ‘swell!’ and get away with it. And Trigger, come on now…that was a horse!


But well, if I were to pick my more favorite version….Gene Autry is so lovely.


Then again, damn….’Asleep at the Wheel,’ …..Roy Benson is one of my heros. Wish I could have found their version on You Tube….. I’d like to be the female version of Roy Benson. Heart, soul and an ease about him that I may never develop….and that voice….ooooh, it just ain’t fair!!

Here’s a little taste of heaven with their ‘Miles and Miles of Texas.’ Just listen to the voice on that man. Sing it boys!!


Here’s to ridin the ridge and back again oooonly if ya please!! I feel a road trip comin on!!

Now go have some fun!

BB Webb

2009-07-09T23:18:05-07:00By |Music, People I Admire, Reflection, The Arts|