Oh yeeeeees you can, you can do it!

I’m inspired by brilliance, creativity, talent, heart, openness, honesty…. which often takes uncanny courage….the kind where you REALLY take a look in the mirror, where you work to love yourself despite all the silly stuff you might have done in the past.

I’m also inspired by people’s willingness to shift, turn, grown and love despite their humanness. I always make room to be surprised by people doing a better job of being human. Why not?

And this, 12-year-old Stephen Waarts, Violin Soloist playing with Michael Paul Gibson, Conductor with the Silicon Valley Symphony playing Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35 by Tchaikovsky, well, HE certainly is an inspiring young lad!

I heard of young Stephen on NPR’s ‘From the Top’ this past Sunday….he’s 13 now.

We are all so capable. More than we might allow, courageous if we’ll keep digging, asking questions, moving from the heart. There is so little we can’t do. This I know for SURE.


I choose to hold people in the light. Not everyone does. I certainly appreciate when folks do that for me!

BB Webb

2010-03-09T22:30:56-07:00By |Music|