Oooooh, those 18th Century Writers!

“Pleasure is very seldom found where it is sought; our brightest blazes of gladness are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks.”

Samuel Johnson, 18th Century English writer


Samuel Johnson knew….he knew about the ‘push me, pull you cycle’ which when released, frees up all manner of ease.

(He was an erudite man indeed, writing not the first dictionary, but one considered the most complete to date.

When I consider the ‘first’ dictionaries known to man…. I’m thinking SURELY there was a tablet in stone somewhere long ago with conjunctions and words worth remembering….or those Philistines’ looking for just the right retort or ardor-filled phrasing in a sparring with their neighbor, the perfect harangue.

Even more interesting is the picture I see of this person practicing their phrase for the heat of battle.

Just considering.

Let it come. Bring it on. The good, the blessings, the unexpected gifts, be they words, gestures, romance, good health, a surprise trip, idea, prosperity or just plain good news when you were poised to manage the worst.

Bring it on I say, bring on the good, bring it on.

And then perhaps, I consider, it is all good.

Some moments just FEEL better than others.

BB Webb

2010-08-16T07:04:02-07:00By |Expansion, Gratitude|