Pondering Priorities….What You Spend Your Time On???

Simple enough.  So, if I say a trip to the gym three times a week is a priority, and I don’t do it, is that then NOT a priority?

I’ll say a resounding YES, as something else trumped that notion.

If I declare that I want to learn to play the piano, clearly, I must make the time to do so.  I don’t need to be good at all things to feel satisfied within, but the things I deem important, need be so and are, well, priorities.  They are things I actually spend my time on.

Likewise, I don’t need to be first with my sweetheart all the time, but I like to be top in the running; I like to be a high priority in his list of things considered to be important.

The quixotic part for me then, if priorities are black and white and one thing is more important than another, how do I rank all the rest?  I’ll venture to say that does not mean that other things are not also important, just maybe not AS important at a specific time.

Yes, these are the sorts of things that keep me up at night and wanting to nap throughout the day!  My intent this year is either for more sleep (a priority) or the need for less of it to feel great!

A priority then, is something you spend your time on, although discerning what is a priority and acting accordingly is what we also spend our time on.  (I’m dizzy!)

How do I spend my day?  What comes first, second, third and what doesn’t get done at all?  I am a business owner and have made promises to banks, employees and myself with goals for growth.  This commitment often trumps other things I’d like to do, but which might not be as big a priority.

Discerning things of importance can be a challenging feat.

Priorities have rankings, then.  My fitness is important, as is time with my sweetheart, but when there is an emergency at work and I have no managers to assist, I am responsible to make things happen, or I suffer certain consequences. I don’t have to pay my American Express bill each month, but if I don’t, I must be willing to endure the consequences, (which might then make it difficult to pay my Amex or ever have time with my sweetie).

I might rather be cycling in North Georgia but, keeping my business healthy so I can pay for other things I desire and enable myself to buy groceries and eat takes precedence.

And with that, how I spend my time – “me” time, time with friends, various projects and my business – is shifting, and with that, my priorities.  I am learning to delegate and set up systems to allow others to do things I formerly did, so I have time for new priorities.  Simple really, just not always easy to discern!

Life is about choices and then more of them.  Aren’t we indeed fortunate to have such options?  I think so!

Might your new year be filled with your best priorities and your intended results, better than you imagined!


2011-12-15T08:54:00-07:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|