Ride that wave cowgirl….you’ve earned it!

‘This or better’ says I… and better is streaming in…

but that’s a choice.

We’re moving forward with our tv pilot.

My newly assembled team is sharp and on point,

I’ve found a new potential business partner who understands my vision for the land behind Carl House and we think similarly….each with our own talents…

love is in the air in all directions with time for a vacation!

Now, that’s some damn manifesting….and 2012 not even here yet.

A breath in each moment….it’s all coming and going, coming and going…

And as the old rises and shows it’s fear spots, I breathe again and realize I have a choice in EVERY moment.

‘And so it is’…’and so it is’ I remind myself.

Hot summer in Georgia….an event with 227 people at my venue and me here with rum and tonic with lime….enjoying the evening and the newness that surrounds me.

Good. Very good. Ride this wave cowgirl….and don’t, please don’t fence me in!

And tomorrow, coming on like peaches ripening. As it does.

BB Webb

2011-07-09T18:31:57-07:00By |Possibility and Intention|