Seven Years Ago Today…

I opened my business….my Carl House business.

Seven years ago there was so much I did not know.

Seven years ago I demonstrated ‘moving forward as if’….as if I could create whatever my mind imagined, and more.

Seven years ago today I was, like today, dreaming up things and seeing what would happen ‘or better’ as I coaxed forward that vision.

Seven years ago today I took a deep breath and sat with a fine bottle of champagne, with my husband at the time, on a fine leather coach and sighed and looked around at a post event and said,

‘Wow….this is really a beautiful room, such a cool place.’

Seven years.

I wonder at what I’ll be sighing at, smiling at as I look back to today in seven years.

Incredible no doubt. I’ll intend that…

and more.

We are free to create and be whoever and whatever we want.

In EVERY moment.

I choose big, brave, bold, brilliant and heartful.

Why not?

With gratitude for the lessons, the journey, the people and where I find myself this morning….looking out on green, surrounded by heartbeats, standing firmly on wood floors, comforted by cool air and a vision which is only growing.

(photos by Eric Delaforce, left and Kristi Odom Photography above)

BB Webb

2010-07-05T07:07:27-07:00By |Gratitude|