Terrell Rocks…and ooooh the taste of heaven!

It’s true. I have a new chef at my venue Carl House.

His food….oh Lordy….his creations are rocking my culinary world.

And I soooo love to be surprised.

Tonight, I popped in to see how our event, a gorgeous wedding, was going on. We’ve certainly served polenta cakes before….but Terrell’s were something from an alternate Universe. TAAAASTY doesn’t begin to describe the melt in your mouth, over-the-top ridiculous treasure in these cakes.

Yes Terrell’s polenta cakes hit new heights…the seasoning, texture, feel in my mouth. Food can be entirely sensuous, surprising, okay….I won’t go as far as erotic, (but I did think it).

‘WHAT did you make these with Terrell??’

I exclaimed, with a beautific expression pasted all over, ’round, up and down on my face.

‘These are heaven, light, magical, ironic!’

‘Corn’ he explained….’And??’ I countered. Then a trio of spices I now forget, cream, butter……ahhhhh….well, of course, surely. It’s not as though I was planning to MAKE them….but merely worship his culinary grace.

DAMN……I’m a lucky woman!!

Chicken ala 'Terrell'

And on this April Fool’s Day, I am no fool, I know quality in my midst and it surrounds me in so MANY areas of my life.

I know also that the things that perplex me, are miracles truly in the making. It’s all a matter of persistence, belief and keeping your attitude ‘right’!

How do I know? It’s been a LOOOONG few years and…..I just do.

And, I’m really, REALLY beginning to enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of my labor!

Bon appetite!

(And hey, join us for our April 15th, 4 course wine pairing dinner featuring, yep….the Magical Chef I’ve so recently stumbled upon….gracing my Carl House kitchen. I’ll be there with delight in my eyes and a belly and mind grateful and ready to be wowed!!)

BB Webb

2011-04-02T00:02:31-07:00By |Passion|