The Time Has Come, The Time Is Here!!

It’s been a (relatively) long wait. For many things.

This day I’m speaking of the timing for the synergies between my Lulu friend and I, to begin creating together in earnest.

We’re headed to Italy the end of this month to visit with my friend and other potential allie in all things creative (and business), Susan who lives down the hill from the Contessa who lives in a nearby castle. (Well, of course she does).

We’ll have Sean (Lulu’s brilliant 12 year old pianist Godson who she is raising), play for the Contessa. He’ll play for all our endeavors as well and to so many things BEYOND what she and I do together. His star is clearly on the rise….and thanks to Lulu! Completely thanks to her.

The extraordinary part of all this IS….the timing. It wasn’t until this morning, when I received a call from Lulu as I wheeled my grocery cart throughout Ingles Grocery Store, that I heard it in her voice….something had let go in her and in me as well. I’ve been ready in ways, but not able to move forward til Carl House was rightly situated. And though we each have other details to shift and turn, it’ll take only moments in comparison to where we’ve been.


Lulu, who grew up in abject poverty, whose uncle still walks to the community center to use the toilet to flush THEIR water so as not to use his, can be equally thrifty though can create abundance better than most anyone I’ve yet to meet. She’s more than a survivor, but a business icon to me….my needed behind-the-scenes expert who if I have my way, won’t be behind the scenes when it comes to credit taken.

So, our tickets are booked, she’s spent MONEY instead of secured a ‘dealing’ knowing the import of our trip. And, she bought (not at a yard sales), 6 new dresses priced at $3000….which OF COURSE she procured for a little over $100. I’m in good hands as is she. We know how to create opportunities for ourselves and others separately but together, I sense a tornado of ‘moving forward’ and positive actions that the Universe will only amplify and continue to direct and augment. Grateful me.

That’s just the way it works.

And I drew some cards for fun, out of curiosity….and Ganesh, the overcomer of obstacles appeared. (of course)….’the teacher’ card appeared, perfectly appropriate and the last card of three reminded us to move into our JOY…and we will.

My Lulu pal and me. Grateful am I for the people who show up as teachers, guides, lovers, friends, soul mates, distractors and angels.

May the games begin!!

BB Webb

2011-04-09T17:06:31-07:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|