The Vulture…

We’re all quick to judge, certainly at times.

I find myself tucked under a blanket this cool, LOVELY May morning…listening to the sounds in my back forest, activity under cover of green, always exciting, fresh, new, settling to me.

I yesterday worked with my favorite healer/massage therapist, Janice Davy. Her combination of disciplines ALWAYS leaves me feeling renewed, energized and grounded in both my humanity and lifted in my spirituality. She is magic. I came to her having hurt my back being overzealous in a new boot camp class I’m taking with the desire to strengthen muscles I’ve not been using of late. My mind took me beyond where my muscles and body were ready.

I’ve worked intentionally with energy before, studied with Dr. Fernand Poulin as did Janice, and I realize it is a tremendous unknown to most of us, yet I have seen mental, emotional and physical hurts shift with its intentionality. Suffice it to say, my body is still on the mend, but I am more rooted in what is happening within me, the shifts I’ve felt coming for years now.

So I watch the many trees in front of me dance with what might be one of the last cool breezes of spring gracing this Sunday morning. Italy was the launch of a great unknown for Lulu and me. And overhead most of this morning, I heard the great squacking of the grand vulture, one I in the past judged most harshly….that evil carrion, feeding off the dead, looming like a harbinger to death. And, perhaps he is, in a manner. Ted Andrews in his book, ‘Animal Speaks’ writes of the mighty, important buzzard, the vulture…


Buzzard or Vulture teaches the power of purification of the mind, body and spirit. Vulture aids accomplishing tasks through great patience and vision, using your sense of smell and discernment, and how to glide and soar with your own energy. He teaches efficiency in actions and promises that changes are imminent. He shows how to restore harmony of thoughts and feelings so one can reach new heights with little effort. Buzzards will aid in uncovering truths, clarifying previous conceptions, and allow to see and hear subtle hidden qualities using intuition and awareness. Buzzard can teach confidence and the ability to stand with dignity and soar with clarity and purpose. He shows how to seek a new and heightened vision while increasing sensitivity. It is time to soar above your perceived limitations. Are you currently undergoing an internal death and rebirth cycle? Are you ready to assert your actions from your ideas? Buzzard will aid in transforming knowledge to bring the unconscious to conscious and teach how to soar above it and bring the transformation you are needing at this time. Are you ready for these lessons of awakening?

So, perhaps this mighty, winged creature is telling me something….surely he is as he soars ably over my back porch with his reminding call. He prompts me forward…he knows where I am headed and the longings which pull me…


‘go there….go where you imagine, and let the wind guide you as it does me. Let go of what is no longer useful….move into what is calling you.’


I am listening. I surely am. I pray for courage, insight, heartful actions in all things and inspiration and luck to buoy me forward.

BB Webb

2011-05-15T09:37:48-07:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|