We all need a ‘Caddy’

‘Expect your every need to be met. Expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level’. Eileen Caddy.

We all need reminders, helpmates, support, champions, someone to carry our ‘clubs’ from time to time. And these ‘caddys,’ champions…they come in such varied flavors. We need only open our eyes, listen, feel with our hearts and get out of our own way.

Abundance is our nature. Might we but tune in as the animals do…even my domesticated animals….they know. They are some of my greatest teachers, certainly with regard to listening, love and absolute…..oh did I say ABSOLUTE, oh yes, Absolute JOY!

Spring is here. Here’s to the rebirth of you, me, anyone ready for positive change and the expectation of miracles…but, of COURSE!

Look around and you shall see.

BB Webb

2011-03-24T10:25:05-07:00By |Uncategorized|