You Tubing Down the River of Life…

I have some stories to tell.

I do.

They’re from all the things I observe in any given day and ooooooh, I see EVERYthing! Ask my team at Carl House!

The stories have been mounting up and if I don’t share them, I may clog up and die, hardened arteries from lack of expression.

A creative spirit stuck in too many daily details, is to me, like a bird stuck with oil in its wings, it’s hard to fly.

Caught in my garden, considering a plan, pondering my next move: Photo by J. Allen Mullins

So, I’ve been washing my wings of the minutia and necessary details of my current day-to-day and I’ve got some plans.

A friend suggested You Tube. Thank you friend!

I listen to about everything that comes my way….I throw out the crap, syphon the good ideas, to assure they really are….and then make them into something that fits me.

I love that part of my day.

For I found at 4pm after a LOOOOOOOOONG day of meetings and teaching people to FISH instead of me bringing the smelly dinner to them, that I was EXHAUSTED. Fried. Fish fried!

But, it’s my job and as we all get more savvy with each of our roles and jobs, I become freer to fly off with new ideas.

I can fly down the You Tube river telling stories which just NEED to get out. I feel the need for a NEW character AND costume change. (There must ALWAYS be a costume, and accessories….or why live)!

I’m an actress really, playing a business lady role just now….doing a rather fine job of it, of late… I study my characters intensely not wanting too many bad moments on stage and surely prefer to not go UP on my lines. Eventually I find my groove!

My beloved mentor, the legendary Tony Montanaro, taught me the absolute VALUE of bombing. As I’ve said before, you DON’T know what you DON’T know, til you KNOW it.

Bombings make for good stories. You FEEL what doesn’t fit and then you learn what DOES! Awesome really!

I have stories ready for delivery. And for now, told near home, while I see if my peeps are doing the fishing they should. And then, well, then me and Horton will discover who and where we need to go. And 2Lu will be with me. And maybe some other friends will visit along the way.

New roles, new muscles to flex. I like muscles! I like variety! And fun people who I can laugh with easily.

It’s Storytime!

Stay tuned.

If you dare.

‘BB’s Webb, Notes from the Highwire.’

Live, uncensored and BBlicious.

Soon to be released.

I’m soon to be released!

BB Webb

2010-08-19T01:48:49-07:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|