Is it ‘just weather’?

I wrote a piece, keynote talk, performance, I don’t know….called, ‘It’s Just Weather, Embracing Possibility Thinking or How to Find Your Twirl.’ In this piece I share stories about ‘moving forward,’ moving forward despite the obstacles, the rain, the stuff that gives one ‘pause.’ I performed it, rewrote it, performed it again, then put it aside awhile as I needed to tend to some important business in my business; all good fodder for more stories to tell.

I’ve experienced more rain and thunder in Georgia this year than any year since arriving here some 15 or 16 years ago, physically and metaphorically. It’s exhilarating in moments…and in the grand scheme of things, for sure. I’m all about the grand scheme. I somehow have an ability to see the big picture, despite setbacks…which let’s face it are really just opportunities to excel, to do better, to learn, stretch, move forward…as if, as if your success were imminent. And success and winning is really all just a mindset. Of that I am CERTAIN. Consider…..if Thomas Edison did try 999 times before he created the lightbulb, come on…it’s then only about tenacity.

I forget in moments, though I have tenacity in spades….it’s a special muscle to which I was born…..and I love a good tussle.

Most people give up when they get a black and green bruise. I don’t mind a good tackle, especially with the right group of folks in my periphery. Without them I must admit, I’d be toast. We all need folks who believe in us, who despite our foibles and rough edges, see something beyond. I like seeing beyond, I’m at home there.

All the rest, interesting or scurrilous details. I’ve never excelled in details, managing them, but I see the overall picture and expect the details to be perfect. And when I do, eventually, they are….if I have staying power….and I do for the things which matter to me.

I had a director once say something quite curious to me. After witnessing me prepare lunch for 8 people, which I improvised in my manner, throwing ingredients together, pickles and tuna, turkey and cheese, whole wheat and bean sprout, honey dijon and spinach, pasta salad and romaine, etc.…. a hodgepodge of this and that which came out beautifully. It was a chaotic mess to begin with though ended in order and good taste.

In contrast she observed, ‘when you prepared for your one woman show, you were adamant about the details being just so, you made sure each point, cue, prop and detail was meticulously placed. You were a taskmaster for order, protocol and procedure. You knew how to hit your mark, stand in the light, move on cue, respond at the crescendo of a laugh and bring your audience to you.’

I did. I needed a different process to get to THAT desired result. I needed order and a set protocol.

A visionary, or director, sees the big picture, a performer executes a vision and an employee, if chosen correctly, also executes a vision. And if we are in sync with our passions, where our skill-sets and interests are optimized, the challenges are just rain, storms, the occasional hail and wind……they all pass and the golden nugget, the prize, is in traversing through it all with a trust that in the end, we will meet our vision or better.

It is ALL perhaps just weather and we but players in the field.

And I am recalling all that and more this very day as the rain comes pouring outside my windows, though is not dampening my soul, but rather, when I sit back and remember, is actually watering my garden.

BB Webb

2009-12-08T20:18:28-07:00By |Passion|