
Eggs Smegs

2010-04-04T17:40:20-07:00By |Fun|

Eggzactly... Every thing, person, experience, incident, episode, story, fantasy...has another side. Take eggs for example, fried, boiled, poached, scrambled, raw.. I spent a luscious Easter Sunday spring cleaning, readying porches for evenings under the stars, for friends and parties. I planted flowers, petunias, coleus, herbs and such....redecorated things a bit, shifting things here and there. [...]

Do What You Want….NATALY!!!

2010-03-22T10:21:36-07:00By |Music|

Look who I discovered.....oh-oh-oh-oh-oh....brilliance alert, brilliance alert. One better than the next.....and those eyes..... Creative people abound!! [youtube=] [youtube=] [youtube=] [youtube=] Refreshing....truly, truly....go out and do it.....just do what you want!! Please, please, please!! It'll help the me on this one! BB Webb

Necessary Shifting and Necessary Play

2010-03-08T09:02:53-07:00By |Change|

I took a long awaited spin outside my surrounds this past Friday. Welcomed indeed. Hopping gleefully into my ready jeep, eager to hit the road, I felt giddy with excitement to take a break from what has felt like a very, very long winter, fall, summer and spring of last year. In fact, I was [...]

Ladies laughing and the power of WE..

2010-02-18T19:30:10-07:00By |Change|

  Earlier this week, I could tell when I woke one morning with my lower back cracked in two, (symbol: support...maybe...perception is everything), that I was in for one hell of a time. Literally, I could not stand. I don't remember such excrutiating pain. I was doubled over making me weary from the lack of [...]

Finding Home.

2010-01-24T09:20:36-07:00By |Change|

I've felt a bit alien in my own skin and frankly in the world in which I live of late, astonished by what I perceive as the barren-ness of some, (I'll call them), 'belief systems' I've encountered recently, evidenced by the people who demonstrate those belief systems by their actions. I'm not judging them, though [...]

So evolved life fulfilled.

2010-01-13T18:44:43-07:00By |LIfe|

I was chatting with my pal 2Lu this evening. We were sorting through all manner of events and feelings and goals pronounced from the last few weeks....a time for rich growth for sure. And, on January 15th, Mercury resumes its forward movement, we will experience a solar eclipse, and there will be a new moon….all [...]

With each passing moment…

2009-12-31T23:00:47-07:00By |LIfe|

I'm experiencing an 'aha' this evening...just home from work after another day of shocks and thrills. I'm considering that the universe feels I'm suited for the frontline, I'm supposed to be the commander of the artillery regiment. I certainly am becoming adept at putting out fires and managing change. Not initially, I still react like [...]

Joy…..Unadulterated Joy….

2009-12-18T00:02:53-07:00By |Fun|

All there for us, for the taking if we can REMEMBER..... How I love dogs. They are so IN THE MOMENT and FULL of joy. And how beautifully emphasized, showcased in this delightful Christmas spirited Harry Connick Jr. video and song with Bailey the Reindeer Pup! And Montana, where my family resides, 35 below [...]

The Way We Were…

2009-11-07T03:50:28-07:00By |Passion|

Music has quietly been a part of my life throughout the years. I'm not a collector but more a random 'stumbler' upon all kinds of music....I don't even know how to categorize it all. I've had times where I stopped listening to music for a spell, I wanted no outside noise or influence....and then other [...]


2009-10-19T23:13:13-07:00By |Fun, Reflection|

Ever hear yourself talking or writing and a word from SOMEWHERE comes out of your mouth or on the page and you wonder 'where did THAT come from?' or you wonder, 'when did I learn that word?' but dang if it isn't 'right on'. Suddenly a lexicon of mystery words make themselves known. Today was [...]