
Pre-conception Kills

2011-03-29T22:44:18-07:00By |Compassion|

I try not to judge though I have my preconceptions and certainly prejudices. Or, is it preferences? My mother was the absolute LEAST judgmental person I've yet to meet. She could poke fun at herself though ALWAYS found something to praise in EVERYONE. And, when I had a crisis to face in my IS [...]

And the world turns.

2011-02-25T21:26:58-07:00By |Expansion|

I am most definitely aware of my deficiencies. I am also becoming more aware of where I am not so deficient, expecting myself to be good at it all less and less. Oooooh, but I'm a task master to my very own soul. Oh Popeye....he am what I am what you are. I'm over half [...]

Woman-kind. A gift doubled and squared!

2011-01-04T18:30:58-07:00By |Relationships|

Our nuclear family, as we all know, is not what Ozzie and Harriet portrayed in the 50s....not one bit. I own and run a special event venue.....a lovely one in fact. I get teary with each bride I send down the aisle....hopeful that what they are putting out to the Universe, hopes, dreams what-have-you....might [...]

Freedom……just another word?

2010-12-22T21:10:27-07:00By |Expansion|

As I fly off to Montana looking ever higher. Ever higher. Toward those untraveled roads. [youtube=] Merry Christmas, or more simply, great peace, love and joy to you. BB Webb

And then the net lifted.

2010-11-11T08:18:28-07:00By |Expansion|

I'm enamored (is that the correct word this morning) with the process of being human on this planet. Enamored isn't the best word, but it'll have to do for the moment. I felt a net lift from my myopic view of the world this week. Some things became crystal clear. And if not CRYSTAL clear, [...]

I Feel the Earth Move…

2010-06-24T07:46:19-07:00By |Change|

....under my feet I feel the sky tumbling down, tumbling down.... Those words were in my head soon after I awoke this morning. That and the memory that I'd dreamt I tattooed some emblematic design all over my face, a big blotch of blue on the right side, which I was happy I could cover [...]

How much?

2010-06-21T21:54:32-07:00By |Change|

How much is too much....of anything? Work, worry, 'down' time, wine time, control, fun, perfume, tv, talking, animals living in your home, family, sadness, alone time, being with people time, indifference, concern, defense, blame, ego, heart, hurt, caffeine, pressure, anger, flapjacks, Coco Krispies, disappointment, scheming, flying, creating, dreaming... Just thinking. Things are brewing. Keepin it [...]

Can’t Steal Happiness

2010-06-13T00:23:18-07:00By |Change|

The Weepies, (I've been on a year long kick with the Weepies) have great being,   'you can't steal happiness',   (I believe that to be true, or power unless you let someone TAKE it from you), and I like the thought that:   All my troubles are in the rearview mirror! Another Weepie [...]