
Freedom……just another word?

2010-12-22T21:10:27-07:00By |Expansion|

As I fly off to Montana looking ever higher. Ever higher. Toward those untraveled roads. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDevnAeoyqI&fs=1&hl=en_US] Merry Christmas, or more simply, great peace, love and joy to you. BB Webb

And so it goes…drip, drip, drip.

2010-11-28T10:42:03-07:00By |Expansion|

One drip of consciousness into the next....our slow awakenings. Mine come slowly and then periodically, in solid and sudden bursts. BOOM! We see. We hear. We know. We know, on NO uncertain terms we see ourselves, our path anew. And the awkwardness of ambivalence and compromise leaves. The choice to love oneself becomes stronger than [...]

And if you knew you were dying soon…

2010-11-16T00:21:40-07:00By |Expansion|

How would you conduct your life? We've all considered this, or pondered the thought at least momentarily. I would fret so much less over the seeming big things which distract me, make me sad, frightened or upset. I'd say 'what the hell'. Honestly, 'what the hell'. Who really cares, I'm gonna die soon anyhow. How [...]

And then the net lifted.

2010-11-11T08:18:28-07:00By |Expansion|

I'm enamored (is that the correct word this morning) with the process of being human on this planet. Enamored isn't the best word, but it'll have to do for the moment. I felt a net lift from my myopic view of the world this week. Some things became crystal clear. And if not CRYSTAL clear, [...]

Falling in Love

2010-10-17T02:20:01-07:00By |Expansion|

It's a choice....falling in love. A choice. We choose. There has been a lot of underground movement occurring in my world of late...taking me away a bit from my writing, from the me I thought I was to whoever it is I am becoming. I'm 'in love' with arriving to new and better places....of consciousness, [...]

Speechless….BB Speechless???…

2010-10-06T22:40:59-07:00By |Expansion|

Well, the world MIGHT stop on its axis would that be true....indeed, oooooh indeed, things are a'brewin.... and I take a pause to reflect a moment on it all. I take a deeeep breath and sit awhile. Something which ALSO happens far fewer than I hope it might in time. I'll intend it so! For [...]

And the lights went out…

2010-09-04T13:00:27-07:00By |Expansion|

When it's time, how interesting to feel the lights go out in areas of our house, our hearts, our souls. Maybe not altogether, but certain things which had a shiny allure, dim, as that's what happens as we shift to other things calling forth our attention, our passions, our hearts and interest. And when those [...]

The unmeasured moment

2010-09-01T23:12:02-07:00By |Expansion|

I've been out of my own pocket lately...diverted by a number of keen surprises, epiphanies of late really.   My earlier surrender, post meltdown, catapulting me into new territory which has me both delighted and standing a bit quiet amidst the flurry of 'little me's' scurrying about, running around me in a smidge of a [...]

Oooooh, those 18th Century Writers!

2010-08-16T07:04:02-07:00By |Expansion, Gratitude|

"Pleasure is very seldom found where it is sought; our brightest blazes of gladness are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks." - Samuel Johnson, 18th Century English writer   Samuel Johnson knew....he knew about the 'push me, pull you cycle' which when released, frees up all manner of ease. (He was an erudite man indeed, writing [...]