
It Started with A Teal Circle…

2011-06-11T11:04:08-07:00By |Creativity| the middle of a luscious brown cement floor. I love discovering new spaces which FEEL right to me.I walked into the Athens Salon and Spa and was immediately inspired, by the colors, the decor, the product line (Bb shampoos and conditioners), the jewelry and the entire business model which each practitioner demonstrated will skillfull [...]

The Time It Takes…

2011-05-30T09:25:31-07:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|

I'm wondering a bit at the time it takes to reinvent your world. A tad hard to determine in exact measure, but it certainly takes awhile. And for me, it sets any old routines a-kilter a bit...and frankly, I'm rather fond of 'a-kilter'. I like creating new, bold strokes, moving with some speed. Yet, this [...]

What is it with me and goldfish?

2011-02-11T08:45:51-07:00By |Play|

I like goldfish. I like the goldfish I've raised. I like 'raising' things...businesses, little wee animals, growing's where my mothering instincts come out, maybe? Creating, mothering....they're kind of the same. But these fish. Oh, you may have read my several blogs about my fish, one where little Saska bit the dust...DAMN, it was traumatic...and [...]

Create this…moment.

2011-01-27T19:54:36-07:00By |Creativity|

I'm breaking away from my zip zip duties for a moment to bear witness to my own 'BB Webb journey'. I thought of something queer...odd. Of course every moment we experience is NEW, but I've been noticing how certain actions seem especially new. (I've not taken LSD, I'm merely noticing what has gone perhaps unnoticed [...]

Jealously I ask, How high IS the moon?

2010-12-18T07:55:29-07:00By |Creativity|

Sooo......I spent my day off working 10 hours on our new Carl House website edits. Crazy eh? Working from home is a treat and something I relish and it almost FEELS like a day off. And I consider, if I weren't doing THAT, what MIGHT I be doing. I might be rehearsing a story to [...]

And then the net lifted.

2010-11-11T08:18:28-07:00By |Expansion|

I'm enamored (is that the correct word this morning) with the process of being human on this planet. Enamored isn't the best word, but it'll have to do for the moment. I felt a net lift from my myopic view of the world this week. Some things became crystal clear. And if not CRYSTAL clear, [...]